Airport Angst

Apart from its name (it is named after one of the greatest rogue Bavarian heads of state, Franz Josef Strauß), Munich Airport is quite a pleasant place, designed in an aesthetic and also quite practical way. There are colouramas like the above to be seen as you waft down the walk bands, and you can drive your car directly to any of the terminals - if you are mad enough to drive. There is a fast train, the S-Bahn, that takes 30 minutes to the city centre (it only costs €10 per person, or €18 EUR for up to 5 people. Beat that, Stansted greedy Express! or Sevilla ( taxis only,no public transport at all).
Nor can it be blamed for me spending two hours waiting for an Easyjet plane from London bearing my friends, which ended up being cancelled (they arrived this morning with our order of cheddar - one daren't think...) But the airport can be blamed for the dearth of its food and drinks offerings - compared to Stansted there is simply nothing edible there, neither outside nor inside the departure lounges. The Bavarian national snack, the Leberkässemmel, available from butchers throughout the land for @1.20 to 1.50, here costs four Euros, if you can find it at all. Poor tourists, you are robbed.

Foto: Leberkässemmel (Brezen roll with Leberkäs)
